I recently came up with this while playing AH Narita and Hawaii and I tought to myself: "I bet these games would be harder and alot more fun with just using one runway". And so on my emulator I tried playing Stage 3 of AH Haneda with JAL with the one runway challenge and It went well.
The rules for the challenge are:
-As the Name says, you can only use ONE Runway for example, Narita's Runway 34L/16R. And you can land these planes in any direction of these runways.
*Optional for making the challenge easy.*
-IF ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY, You can switch ONCE one runway to another like switching from Runways 34L/16R to 34R/16L. And you must use that runway for the rest of the game.
Reasons for why to switch:
-Risk of planes colliding
-Whatever else
Feel free to record your expieriene with this challenge to share it with others. ;)
Hope yall are having an amazing day/night! <3