NOTE: This page is still under construction
This is the script for air traffic control communication in the AH games. The script is different each game
Keep in mind that numbers given for altitude are random since the altitude for each flight in-game speech is different each time.
AH Honolulu
This is the script for ATC communication in Airport Hero Honolulu. We will use UCA 2102 and OAL 122 as an example. Click the link to learn more about control frequencies.
*HCF refers to the separation between control frequencies in AH Honolulu. This can be disabled in the game settings, however, arrivals and departures will be handled on one frequency.
**This term varies depending on the time of day.
UCA2102: Honolulu Delivery, UNICORN AIR 2102, at spot 75, request clearance to Los Angeles Int'l Airport, flight level 400 |
DELIVERY: UNICORN AIR 2102, cleared to Los Angeles Int'l Airport, via ALANA 4 departure, CLTUS transition, flight planned route, maintain flight level, squawk 7571, read back |
UCA2102: Cleared to Los Angeles Int'l Airport, via ALANA 4 departure, CLTUS transition, flight planned route, maintain flight level 400, squawk 7571, UNICORN AIR 2102 |
DELIVERY: UNICORN AIR 2102, read back, is correct, report when ready for push back, contact Ground Control |
UCA2102: Report when ready for push back, contact ground control, UNICORN AIR 2102 |
UCA2102: Honolulu Ground, UNICORN AIR 2102, spot 75, request push back |
GROUND: UNICORN AIR 2102, cleared for push back, runway 08L, QNH 5999 |
UCA2102: Runway 08L, cleared for push back, QNH 5999, UNICORN AIR 2102 |
UCA2102: Ground, UNICORN AIR 2102, request taxi |
GROUND: UNICORN AIR 2102, taxi to runway 08L |
UCA2102: Taxi to runway 08L, UNICORN AIR 2102 |
GROUND: UNICORN AIR 2102, contact Tower |
UCA2102: Contact Tower, UNICORN AIR 2102 |
UCA2102: Honolulu Tower, UNICORN AIR 2102, ready for departure |
TOWER: UNICORN AIR 2102, cleared for takeoff, runway 08L, wind 050 degrees at 9 knots |
UCA2102: Cleared for takeoff, runway 08L 050, 9, UNICORN AIR 2102 |
UCA2012: Tower, UNICORN AIR 2102, climbing 9000 |
TOWER: UNICORN AIR 2102, contact HCF* departure. |
UCA2102: Contact HCF departure, UNICORN AIR 2102 |
DEPARTURE: UNICORN AIR 2102, radar contact, maintain 400, cross BAMBO |
UCA2012: maintain FL400, UNICORN AIR 2102, good day (night*) |
DEPARTURE: Good day (night*) |
After the player had issued the radar control message, the flight will cease contact with the ATC and will soon vanish off the radar, bound for its destination (in this case, Los Angeles)
OAL102: HCF Approach, OAHUAIR 122, approaching BAMBO, flight level 300 to 200, descending |
APPROACH: OAHUAIR 122, this is HCF Approach, radar contact, heading 175, vector to final runway 26L |
OAL102: Using runway 26L, heading 175, OAHUAIR 122 |
APPROACH: OAHUAIR 122, contact Tower |
OAL102: Roger, contact Tower, OAHUAIR 122 |
OAL102: Honolulu Tower, OAHUAIR 122, approaching final |
TOWER: OAHUAIR 122, cleared to land runway 26L, wind 070 at 8 knots |
OAL102: Cleared to land, runway 26L, 070, 8, OAHUAIR 122 |
TOWER: (after landing) OAHUAIR 122, turn out RM, contact Ground control |
OAL102: Turn out RM, contact ground, OAHUAIR 122 |
OAL102: Honolulu Ground, OAHUAIR 122, with you |
OAL102: Ground, OAHUAIR 122, request taxi to spot |
GROUND: OAHUAIR 122, taxi to spot 12 |
OAL102: Taxi to spot 12, OAHUAIR 122 |
Unless the player has the plane hold its position, the flight will make no further contact until it departs again.
(this page is still being worked on)