Airport Hero Wiki
Airport Hero Wiki

IMG 0065

A Japan Lines flight sits in fog

IMG 0071

An APA 737-700 refuels at the domestic terminal.

The domestic terminal is the designated terminal to flights to and from other Japanese cities at Kansai International Airport in Airport Hero Osaka-KIX.

Terminal Information[]


The domestic terminal is located in the middle of the airport. It is flanked by the North and South international terminals. While all three terminals are part of the same building, there is a clear gap between the gates.

The building itself is larger than the international terminals. It is a sleek, modern structure with a wavy pattern in the roof. There is a pair of red trains that carry passengers along the top of the terminal.


Being at the center of the airport, controlling flights to and from the domestic terminal is far easier than the other terminals. Departing flights will appear likely more than once per stage. They can be directed to either runway 06L or 24R. Any other runway should only be used if there is crowding or an incoming emergency flight.

The same principle applies for arrivals, except there is more room for arrivals to use the outer runway since they will exit at the head of the taxiway, reducing the odds of interfering with other flights and causing a game over.


The following airlines use this terminal: