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Airport Hero Wiki

N3026C is one of the two seaplanes in Airport Hero Honolulu.

IMG 0154

N3026C has just returned from a sightseeing flight


N3026C is a modified Cessna C-172F seaplane. It is all white except for a blue tail and wingtips. It is decorated for Air Sonic, we currently do not know why this is. Since it doesn't use Air Sonic's code or callsign, it is classified as a private plane, although it may be that the aircraft is owned or leased by Air Sonic.

N3026C is the rarest of the private planes, only appearing in two main stages and not very many camera stages. It will start in Honolulu's water terminal, with N322W. This plane is easy to control on the ground since the two seaplanes have never been reported to show up at the same time. The only issue on the ground is clogging up the tower frequency.

When it gets in the air is when it becomes a nuisance. Private planes like N3026C require frequent orders, and if the orders are not given, delays occur and the player loses points. The most important order the player needs to complete is give it landing permission, if the plane does not receive clearance and is forced to go around, the player will get a huge penalty.

N3026C has been reported to be susceptible to the Go-Around Glitch.

Aircraft Fleet[]

  • Cessna C-172F


  • Honolulu, HI, USA (Honolulu Int'l Airport) (Used for sightseeing trips)