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Airport Hero Wiki

Narita Cargo Terminal is the designated freight terminal at Tokyo-Narita Airport in Airport Hero Narita and Airport Hero Narita with ANA.

Terminal Information[]


The cargo terminal is located in the southwest corner of the airport, adjacent to runway 16R. The terminal has a large apron and is connected to a collection of warehouses, hangars, and offices.

This terminal has 6 slots for aircraft, allowing much more flexibility compared to Honolulu's terminal. This terminal is not very busy, it has never been seen to have all 6 spots filled at one time.

This terminal is only used by Pacific Air Cargo.


This terminal is in a relatively secluded part of the airport, making control quite simple. While it would seem reasonable to always choose runway 16R for flights departing the terminal, 16R can often be too crowded to use. Planes can either wait or choose a different nearby runway. Going the distance to runway 2 is possible but is not a sound solution.

Arrivals can be directed to runway 34L, since the terminal is positioned at the end of the runway. Once again, this runway may be busy. Runway 16L is a better option in this scenario, and the flight can navigate the outer taxiways to reach the terminal.

The main issue are aircraft being towed. They will arrive from the airserve terminal and will travel at the slowest speed until they reach the cargo area. The only option is to put them on the narrow taxiway along Runway 1. Be aware that these planes are empty and you will not receive penalties for delaying an air service. Give the right-of-way to passenger flights.


The following airlines use this terminal.