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Airport Hero Wiki

Ramp Control is a control channel exclusive to Airport Hero Narita and it's counterpart Airport Hero Narita with ANA. It is purple on the ATC panel.


Ramp control was an experimental addition to the game, intended to split Ground Control into two parts. While it made the game more interesting, it also added unnecessary confusion and more hand-offs, especially to new players. It was removed for Osaka-KIX and will likely not appear in future games.

The ramp refers to the apron of the airport (the gray area surrounding the terminals). This effectively splits up and isolates air traffic control. The ramp control administers the apron, Ground controls the taxiways, and the tower watches over the runways.

Incoming departures will be transferred to the ramp instead of the ground by Delivery Control. Ramp will give the aircraft a runway to take off and authorization to push back and taxi. When the plane reaches the edge of the apron, it will stop until it is handed off to Ground Control. Flights cannot and will not travel across the ramp unless they are on the Ramp Control frequency.

Arriving flights also make their way onto Ramp control. Just like in a departure, the plane will wait until the hand-off before going on to the apron. The player can make the hand-off before it reaches the edge, but this is actually a risky move and not recommended because they will not be able to hold their position (In the event of a possible collision with another plane) until they are on the ramp. Once they are, they will continue on to their assigned gate and leave the frequency.